
What to prepare before you list

When you’re getting ready to list your home, it’s of the utmost importance to ensure you are showing it in the best light. Taking time to highlight its strengths and fix up some of its possible weaknesses can make a big difference in how fast it sells. Here are our top five recommended repairs to make before selling your home.

Repaint walls.

Giving your home a fresh coat of paint is one of the most cost-effective ways to spruce it up, and generally, it can be a do-it-yourself project. Make sure cover any walls with scratches and chips and consider updating any accent walls with a more neutral coat.

Repair floors.

Hardwood floors are a very desirable feature in a home, so you want to ensure they look their best by fixing scratches or dull areas. If your carpet is worn or stained, consider replacing them. And don’t forget the tile in your kitchen or bathrooms. Re-grouting can go a long way in making dingy tile work look brand new!

Refresh the landscaping.

Show buyers your home is the full package by dressing up the outside as well as the in. Clean walkways and driveways, plant seasonal flowers and plants, trim hedges and trees, install outdoor décor pieces and fill in mulch and gravel.

Fix your fixtures.

Leaky faucet? Rusted drains? Loose drawer handle? Making these small fixes can make a big difference to potential buyers with detailed-orientated minds. Improve your kitchen. An outdated kitchen can be a real eyesore in a home. Updating cabinetry, repairing or replacing countertops, and installing new faucets and sinks may be worth the investment

It’s a new month, do you have goals?

August Blog


It’s a new month!  This year has been flying by and we have now passed the halfway mark!  Wow!

I don’t know about you, but I tend to be a goal setter, and a lot of the times I will use a new week, a new month, or a new year to set them.   I am sure you have said more than once “I will start on Monday.”- I am GUILTY of this!  Monday comes and Monday goes and then it’s a new Monday and I have forgotten what I was going to start last Monday.

Several years ago I came across a quote “It’s a dream until you write it down, and then it’s a goal.”  For a long time, I was very good at making a goal, writing it down,  and then creating a plan to achieve it.  This worked for me, but over the last year I have been slacking, not on creating goals, but writing them down and then creating that plan.

So, my goal for the month of August is to write down my goals for the rest of the year, and make a plan to achieve them!

Enjoy your new month, embrace each day, live it, love it!   Make the most of every day you are given!

Are you holding yourself back?


Have you ever created goals for yourself and then slowly made a mental list of all of the reasons why you CAN’T achieve that goal?

I know I have been guilty of this for sure.   There have been moments when my creative juices are flowing and I write them all down in my idea book (yes I have a book of ideas) then later will talk myself out of it because I have come up with all sorts of reasons why it WON’T work.

I have been working on making a shift with that though.  I am trusting my intuition and my instincts now more than I ever have before.   I now make a list of reasons why it WILL work.  Making a shift to a more positive way of thinking is life-changing!  So often I hear people saying “That won’t work.” or “What if it doesn’t……?” WHAT IF IT DOES THOUGH?    What if all of those amazing thoughts and ideas that you have swirling around in your head WILL work?  What if you believed it?  What if you are one idea away from changing your world?

“Don’t fear failure…in great attempts, it is glorious even to fail.”-Bruce Lee

You will never know if you do not try, a positive mind will produce positive results.  Give it a try!

What to do this weekend



The City of Barrie always has something happening!  Friday evenings at Meridian Place now feature live music at 8pm!   It is a beautiful place to sit and enjoy the music, the atmosphere, and the people!

If you are looking for something to do this weekend check out the Barrie site to see what’s happening!

My plans are to check out the band at Meridian place tonight and check out the Farmer’s Market Saturday morning.

Never Wasting My Time

Here to Help-Blog

Over the last couple of months, I have heard many times from clients ” I don’t want to waste your time.”    I cannot stress this enough YOU ARE NOT WASTING MY TIME.

Buying and/or Selling a home is one of THE biggest decisions you will make!  You are investing A LOT of money, and this should not be taken lightly.  It is so important that we work as a team to get you over the finish line.

Whether we are meeting face to face, talking on the phone, texting, emailing, whatever it may be,  it is needed.    There has to be a level of trust built, and the only way we can accomplish this is through open, honest communication.

Some transactions are very quick from start to finish, and some take more time.  No matter what, working with my clients is never wasting my time.  As a matter of fact,  when the majority of the work is done, and the communication slows down, I miss it.  We usually go from speaking several times a day/week to maybe once a week the closer we get to your moving date.

So ask the questions, make the appointments!  It is not a waste of my time, it is a pleasure to be there for you!

Tanya Saari


My test blog post!

Finding what fits…doing what’s right – that’s the Tanya Saari guarantee!  Buying or selling, Tanya can help you through the entire process.

Tanya has lived across Canada, from Nova Scotia to British Columbia, but has been a fixture in the Barrie community for over a decade. From her volunteer work at the Gilda’s Club to the fitness classes ‘Turbo Tanya’ teaches, she always puts her whole self into her clients and their needs. Continue reading “My test blog post!”

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